Ever been to New York City?
If you have, there’s a chance you might have traveled through one of its underwater
tunnels such as the Queens Midtown that since 1940 has served as a major gateway in and out of the island for
over one billion vehicles.
Now imagine if that tunnel was never cleaned. Chances are, you couldn’t even get a skateboard to squeeze through all the muck and pollution built up over all that time.
The same can be said about your colon. Stretching six feet, this tunnel within us certainly wasn’t designed to move vehicles or skateboards through it but rather, built to move waste through it.
Similar to the Queens Midtown where carbon monoxide and other waste build up harms us, can you imagine if your colon was never properly cleaned?
Chemicals, trans fats and a lengthy list of other harmful materials the body can’t break down would continually build up and remain stuck, often leading to unwanted things such as colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis, polyps and cancer. These are the reasons why, at around fifty years old, most doctors recommend a colonoscopy to detect harmful possibilities.
A colonoscopy starts with a cleanse which nearly everyone that’s ever experienced it agrees tastes something like warm salty liver water.
But what if there’s a way to eliminate or at least minimize waste build up within your colon without ever having to drink the yucky stuff?
Some may think, “I’m all good, Jennie, I eat super healthy organic stuff, I know my colon is generally clean.”
If you’re a super healthy eater, congratulations, but I can assure you, in today’s day and age when harmful trans fats, pesticides, chemicals and/or hormones are in some shape or form found within most things we eat, there’s a very likely chance you have more pollution inside your colon than you’re aware of.
Even myself, a person who is obsessively aware of every single thing I put into my body, I'm certain there’s some level of harmful things I unknowingly eat given how prevalent these things are used within the food and beverage industries.
To minimize build up of such things, around once a month, I do a colon cleanse but this one is far different from the above.
Thankfully, my once a month cleanse doesn’t require a doctor visit and saying prayers to prepare for the drink. All it requires is a few ingredients that when combined, result in a super yummy, inexpensive and easy to make shake I call:
The Colon Crusher
Simply put, The Colon Crusher acts like a colon cleanse but it’s all provided by Mother Nature with the following ingredients:
- Grapefruit
- Almond milk
- Green Tea
- Monk Sugar
Let’s take a closer look as to why I include these in my Crush.
When you eat something made by Mother Nature that tastes bitter and has a kick to it, it’s often a sign that it has anti-cancerous and other unique prevention qualities. Things that come to mind are natural dark chocolate, green tea, garlic, turmeric, bitter melons and especially grapefruit.
Of all fruits, grapefruit is known to be one of the best foods designed to combat cancer and other harmful issues such as cholesterol that leads to all sorts of life threatening illnesses such as heart, liver, kidney and other disease.
But when I refer to using grapefruit in the Crusher, I'm not only referring to the fruit within it, I’m referring to everything in it: yes, even the rinds and skin!
To understand why, let’s return to the Queens Midtown Tunnel.
Although I’ve never actually been part of the crew that cleans it, I did do a little research on how it’s cleaned:
- Break It: the cleaning starts with spraying the interior tunnel linings with a soapy, chemical substance that serves to break down the greasy harmful junk within it.
- Scrub It: through the use of heavy machinery, the next step is to scrub the junk even further. Remember, with millions of vehicles passing through it each and every year, there’s a ton of junk that quickly piles up and just spraying it can’t do the complete job.
- Wash It: now that all of the grime and junk are scrubbed loose from the interior linings, the next step is to rinse it off.
- Remove It: within the tunnel, there’s several ways they remove the waste but for simplicity, all the broken down junk is finally removed, thus keeping the interior not only looking clean but more importantly, reducing harmful effects on those passing through it.
The same could be said for how the entire grapefruit provides an essential cleanse to your colon tunnel but here, thankfully, no chemicals are used. It’s all provided by Mother Nature:
- Break It: the skin of the grapefruit is loaded with aromatic oils that acts like a powerful degreaser to help break apart the accumulation of things your body can’t break down from your colon walls. The harmful junk I’m taking about are trans fats, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and/or hormones found within most animal products that thanks to the grapefruit’s skin, are all broken down to get ‘em ready for the next step.
- Scrub It: the rinds from the grapefruit provide the perfect soft sponge to scrub the inside of our colon wall. Because fiber cannot be digested, it is used to unleash the bad stuff off the colon wall. So think of this step as using a sponge to scrub a soapy kitchen plate clean of things such as grease that doesn’t easily come off.
- Wash It: thankfully, there’s no need to stick a firehose into your colon to wash it all away. Within the grapefruit is the juice itself that due to its bitterness, does a perfectly fine job in flushing the broken down elements off the colon walls.
- Remove It: once the juice flushes all the bad stuff off your colon walls, the juice, combined with other ingredients to follow, then flows it like a river out the colon providing you with a fresh, all natural cleanse!
I’ll avoid TMI here but let’s just say given the power above, the final removal allows you only a short amount of time to check your phone in the bathroom for unanswered emails, texts, social media or news. Quite simply, the removal process is often so fast that if you can get through a few Instagram posts, that’s as about as much as time as the exit takes!
Other benefits of using grapefruit include:
- Super antioxidants that help detox, cleanse blood and boost immune system.
- Bioflavonoids serving to protect, repair and strengthen immunity.
- Vitamin C that promotes collage production, repair, rejuvenation and keeping the skin looking healthy, sparkly and youthful. If you’re on this site to make your skin look good, here you have a great remedy to help!
- Photochemicals: this is the bitter stuff tasted within the fruit, serving to combat cancerous build up from all the chemicals and harmful fats we frequently ingest whether we know it or not.
Of all the liquids I’ve tried for the Colon Crusher, this is my #1 choice for a few reasons.
To begin with, if you’ve read some of my previous articles, you’ll know Almond Milk is one of my favorite beverages of choice.
For example, in my Omega Blast shake that provides a ridiculously high amount of Omega 3 essential fats for us to lubricate our joints and organs, I also use Almond Milk as a foundation.
First and foremost, the shell of the almond protects the seed from harmful chemicals often used during their growth and harvesting. Such armor helps eliminate, or at least minimize, ingesting any chemicals that our body should not have.
In addition, almonds provide many benefits including:
- Increasing brain activity.
- Eye health.
- Heart health.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Increasing immunity.
- Better bone and teeth health.
- Lowering the bad LDL cholesterol.
- Increased metabolism and more.
As for calories, some people are afraid of nuts given the perception of high calories and fats. For those, I appreciate reminding you that a single carton of the Almond Milk I use (Costco unsweetened Kirkland brand above), the caloric content of the entire container is a mere 60 calories.
As for fat content, remember: the fat and oils contained in almonds are the good HDL kind which are the essential fats our body needs to survive. To help you remember this, all you need to recall is the H is for Healthy and L is for harmful Lard, aka the bad fat from animals or laboratory manufactured oils such as trans fats.
Trans fat are typically margarine, vegetable shortening, partial hydrogenated fat and other names. In another article soon to come, I’ll be discussing much more about trans fats and how they are often hidden in so many things.
Because trans fats are manufactured, it is not natural and therefore our body has no way of breaking them down to get rid of them. They just pile up like big rigs and triple decker busses stuck in permanent mud within us, causing all sorts of congestion and issues in our precious bodies.
Unfortunately, it’s these big rigs that cause our abdomen to swell, our blood cholesterol to increase, our liver to get blocked and many more things that cause us great harm, especially over time.
After an initial super cleanse with The Colon Crusher, your colon health can be maintained regularity with a smoother cleanse by simply increasing the amount of almond milk and decreasing the amount of grapefruit used.
Along with the above, another important reason I use Almond Milk is because it does a great job at minimizing grapefruit’s bitter taste. In my experience, I’ve had a number of people resist the Colon Crusher when hearing it’s grapefruit based but when tasting it, I find most people can’t even detect the bitterness, especially when combined with the next ingredient.
Calorie and sugar free, no chemicals and ~300 times sweeter than sugar, it’s a dieter’s dream come true! Best of all, because it’s 100% plant based, whatever the body doesn’t need gets removed, providing yet another opportunity to quickly check a few Instagram posts. 😃
Other benefits include:
- Powerful antioxidants.
- Unique metabolism that does not spike insulin.
- Weight loss.
- No effect on blood sugar levels.
- Strengthened immunity.
Health benefits of green tea are as follows:
- Antioxidants
- Caffeine booster
- Increases Metabolism
- Fight cancer
- Lower cholesterol
- Help with diabetes and more.
Keep in mind, any natural tea works, I just prefer the tasty hint of green tea in my Crusher.
Making the Colon Crusher is super easy.
To begin with, just know there’s no precise science to it. It took me a few tries to get it right for my liking. Everyone will have their own unique taste and in some cases, I’ve even had a few people use very little Almond Milk given they can tolerate the grapefruit’s bitter taste and want the full cleanse.
(*Speaking of which, important! If you really want to get an all-out cleanse, be brave and use NO Almond Milk but be forewarned: you don't want to be sitting in places such as church, school or long work meetings when this baby kicks in! Trust me when I say this: drink a lot of it and you'll do your 10,000 daily steps just going back and forth to the restroom but it would really be well worth it for a truly awesome all-out cleanse!).
That said, here’s what I’ve found to be very effective for a plentiful, multiple serving:
- Half grapefruit including the rinds and skin. As with anything I use, always give it a thorough wash to get rid of chemicals and pesticides often used during production.
- 1/4 quart almond milk.
- 1 quart green (or other) tea.
- 10 tablespoons monk sugar.
In my kitchen is a Vitamix which really helps puree everything into one perfect drink. Compared to other blenders, it’s a bit pricey but when factoring in the cost of healthcare, it’s pennies on the dollar when amortized over time.
That said, for those that simply can’t afford pricier blenders, I’ve used a few others that work fine but find the puree is typically a bit chunkier than a Vitamix purée.
I hope you enjoy the Colon Crusher and I look forward to sharing so many more ideas to come!
All my very best,
Jennie 🥰🐿🌿🍉🌲🌸💦❤️